Early Alexandrian Christianity

Robert M. Grant

Robert M. Grant is professor of New Testament and Early Christianity in the Divinity School of the University of Chicago.
This paper was first delivered as the Presidential Address at the dinner meeting of The American Society of Church History on December 29, 1970 in Boston.

Eusebius and the Life of Origen | Eusebius and the Alexandrian School | Gnostics and others at Alexandria | Origen's School at Caesarea | Eusebius and Later Alexandrians | Conclusions and Suggestions

Footnotes ...........................................
[2] HE VI 23, 4; 33, 4; 36, 4.
[3] Ibid., VI 39, 5 (594, 16 Schwartz); cf. p. 517, 8 (manuscripts E and R). For teleuts -
    death, cf. II 23, 3; III 31, 1.4; IV 15, 47; VI 2, 15.
[4] Cf. L. Bieler, Theios AnJr (Wien, 1935-1936); Hal Koch in Pauly-Wissowa, BE, XV111 (1942), 1036-40;
     G. Hornschuh in ZKG, 71 (1960), 1-25. 193-214.
[5] HE VI 21, 3-4; ef. G. Herzog in Pauly-Wissowa, BE X 421.
[6] HE VI 31, 2; for Africanus cf. M. J. Routh, Reliquiae saorae (ed. 2, Oxford, 1846), II, 287 (frag. 39).
[7] Demetrius: Jerome, C. Bufin. II 18 (PL 23, 461); Ambrose: Jerome, Ep. 84, 10 (CSEL 55, 132-33);
     census: M. Hombert-C. Pr6aux, Recherches sur le recensement dans 1 '9gypte romaine
     (Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava 5, Leiden, 1952), 76-84.
[8] Epiphanius, Haer. 64, 13, 12. For the use of drugs by M. Aurelius cf. T. W. Africa in
     Journal of the History of Ideas, 22 (1961), 97-102; E. 0. Witke in Classical Philology, 60 (1965), 23-24.
[9] Epiphanius, Haer. 64, 2, 2-5.

[10] Jerome, Ep. 33, 5 (CSEL 54, 259).
[11] O. W. Beinmuth in Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists, 4 (1967), 106- 9;
     also T. D. Barnes in Harvard Studieo in Classical Philology, 74 (1970), 313-16.
[12] HB II 16-17.
[13] Ibid., IV 2, 1-3.
[14] Ibid., IV 7, 3.
[15] Diog. Laert. I 21; ef. Clement, Str. I 37, 6.
[16] E. R. Dodds in Entretiens tur 'antiquite classiqu V (Geneve, 1960), 32.
[17] Beohtgtiubiglceit und Ketzerei ian altesten Christentwn (Tiibingen, 1934), 49-64.
[18] Clement, Str. I 150, 4; Origen, C. Cels. I 15; IV 51; V 38, 57.
[19] Dial. 5, 6. 20 Eusebius, HE IV 7, 7
[21] 8tr. II 114, 2.
[22] Ibid., VI 53, 5.
[23] Ibid., I 61, 4; IV 9, 1; Diog. Laert. I 15; VIII 2; Porphyry,
     Fit. Pyth. 1; Iambliehus, De vit. pyth. 9.
[24] Adv. haer. I
[25] (pp. 208-10 Harvey).
[25] Ibid., I 1, 1 (p. 9); II 14, 5 (p. 299). For Pythagorean influence
     on Gnostics elsewhere cf. J. Carcopino, De Pythagore aux aptrees
     (Paris, 1956), esp. 99-221.
[26] Text in G. Bardy, Bevue biblique 51 (1942), 81-82.
[27] HE V 10, 1-3.
[28] J. Filliozat in esvue de l'histoire des religions, 130 (1945), 59-91.
[29] Zeitschrift fir Kirchengeschichte, 61 (1942), 136-70.
[30] Abhandlungen ... Main, 1951 (no. 3), 173-202.
[31] Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1902), 377-415.
[32] Fragments 9a-b Leemans = Eusebius, Praep. ev. IX 7 and Origen, C. Cels. I 15.
[33] Fit. Apolon. VIII 7 (cf. VI 15).
[34] Str. I 71, 6; cf. A. M6hat, gtude sur le 'Stromates' de Clement d'Alewsdrie (Paris, 1966), 44-45.
[35] Journal of Hellenic Studies, 77 (1957), 71-73; also in Aufsiate
       sur Gnosis (Abhand- lungen . . . Gttingen III 69, 1967), 157-61.
[36] H. Chadwick, The Sentences of Sextus (Cambridge, 1959).
[37] Str. I 72, 4; 100, 3 (so also to Numenius, I 150, 4).
[38] Str. VI, c. 15; A. Delatte, etudes sur la litterature pythagoricienne (Paris, 1915), 231- 45.
[39] Str. V 27, 2-31, 2.
[40] Eel. proph. 32.
[41] Str. I 66, 2; cf. W. den Boer, De allegorese in het werk van Clemens Alexandrinus (Leiden, 1940), 67.
[42] Str. I 66, 2; 69, 1. 6; 70, 1; VI 57, 2.
[43] Ibid., I 150, 3.
[44] Ibid., IV 9, 1.
[45] Paed. II 11, 1.
[46] Str. VII 32, 5 (ef. Diog. Laert. VIII 13; Iamblichus, De vit. pyth. 25, 35); Sextus, Sent.
[46] Pyth. Sent. 66.
[47] OrigAne et la philosophie (Paris, 1962), 49.
[48] HE VI 19, 8.
[49] HE VI 19, 13; cf. P. Nautin, Lettres et dorivains chrdtiens des iie et iiie $cl8es (Paris, 1961), 126-34.
[50] Porphyry, Vit. Plot. 3, 24-27 Henry-Schwyzer.
[51] Dial. 2, 4.
[52] HE VI 18, 3.
[53] Ibid., VI 15.
[54] Histoire de l'aducation dans l'antiquit6 (ed. 2, Paris, 1950), 524 (note 5).
[55] Genethliakon fiir C. Robert (Berlin, 1910), 122-127.
[56] H. Crouzel, Grdgoire ie Thaumaturge: Remeroiement 4 Origne (Paris, 1969), 188 (Letter of Origen, 1, 15-16);
      142 (Pan. 113-14). Ancient: Pan. 139. 151. 160; modern (= Stoic), 124. 160; scripture: Pan. 173-74. 57. Pan. 1-3.
[58] Tamblichus, De vit. pyth. 72.
[59] Op. oft., 18-20.
[60] Pan. 141; cf. P. Courcelle in Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano di Studi sull' Alto Medioevo IX
     (Spoleto, 1962), 265-95; a minor correction on Philo, Migr. 8: A. V. Nazzaro in BRviata di filologia,
     98 (1970), 188-92; see now for hermetic usage H. D. Betz in Harvard Theological Review, 63 (1970), 465-84.
[61] Virtues: Pan. 122; Iamblichus 167ff., 187ff., 214ff.; friendship: Pan. 81. 89-92; Iamblichus 101-2. 229. 240.
[62] Pan. 7. 58-62; cf. F. Schemmel in Philologieche Wochenschrift, 45 (1925), 1278.
[63] P. Koetschau, Des Gregorios Thaumaturgos Damcrede an Origenes (Freiburg-Leipzig, 1894), id-xii.
[64] Pan. 192-93.
[65] Ibid., 7.
[66] C. Cels. I 7. Clement too mentioned the two groups (Str. V 59, 1),
    though he noted that other schools had esoteric doctrines; he also
    mentioned the ipse dixit (II 24, 3).
[67] C. Cels. I 15; cf. Josephus, C. Apion. I 162-65.
[68] On the question of the philosophical emphasis of the school at Caesarea
    cf. A. Knau- her in Minchener Thetoogiwsche Zeitschrift, 19 (1968), 182-203;
    he contrasts Gregory's description with "die retrospektiv konstruierte innerkirehliche Deutung" in Eusebius.
[69] Eusebius, Praep. ev. XIV 23, 1.
[70] Dio Cassius 77, 7, 3.
[71] HE VII 32, 20 (Anatolius = VII 32, 6-21).
[72] J. L. Heiberg in Annales internationales d'histoire. Congras de Pars, 1900. 5e section (Paris, 1901), 27-41.
[73] HE VII 32, 14-19; cf. V. Grumel in M6langes B. Tieserant II (Studi e Testi 232, 1964), 217-40.
[74] Cf. H.-I. Marrou in A. Momigliano (ed.), The Conflict Between Paganism
     and Christianity in the Fourth Century (Oxford, 1963), 126-50.
[75] On him cf. After the New Testament (Philadelphia, 1967), 78-80.
[76] HE VII 6; 24-25.
[77] Ibid., VII 32, 31; VIII 13, 7; IX 6, 2.
[78] Ibid., VII 32, 30.
[79] Theodoret, HE I 1, 18; Sozomen, HE I 15; ef. W. Telfer in Analecta Bollandiana, 67 (1949), 117-30.
[80] Eusebius, HE V 22; VI 26.
[81] Ibid., VI 2, 2.
[82] Ibid., VI 3, 7.
[83] R. Reitzenstein in Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Alkademie . 1914, no. 8;
     cf. A.-J. Festugiere in Bevue des etudes grecques, 50 (1937), 478;
     H. Dorries in Nach- richten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in G6ttingen, Philos.-Hist. KI. 1949, 357- 410;
     E. R. Dodds, Pagan and Christian in an Age of Anxiety (Cambridge, 1965), 31.
[84] For these points cf. Porphyry, Vit. Pyth. 1 (17, 10-13 Nauck). 11-12 (23, 1-6);
     Iamblichus, De vit. pyth. 9 (8, 6-13 Deubner).
[85] Iamblichus 69 (39, 3); cf. 13 (10, 11-14). 27 (16, 8).
[86] Op. cit., 430 (cf. 527-60).
[87] Photius, Bibl. od. 109 in 0. Stihlin, Clemens Alexandrimw III 202 (frag. 23).
[88] C. Celeau I 32 (tr. H. Chadwick).
[89] Frag. 10 Leemans = Clement, Str. I 150, 4.
[90] Bevue d'histoire eccsiastque, 19 (1923), 481-506; 20 (1924), 5-37; ef. also my chapter
     in The Crucible of Christianity (ed. A. Toynbee, London, 1969), 318-30. 144